small bathroom window curtains as small bathroom layout for a fair Bathroom remodeling or renovation of your Bathroom with fair layout 63

Bathroom is one of the smallest and neglected rooms in the whole house, but it is an important one. Though you might not be spending a toll of time in there, but whatever time you spend in bathroom you want it to be comfortable and good time. And it requires your bathroom to be well set up including selecting the best curtains. For many individuals it is me time when you are all alone with yourself and thoughts. There is nobody else except your perceptions. With an appealing bathroom one would have appealing thoughts, isn’t it?  Every accessory need to be selected carefully even a shower curtain. All these elements affect your mood.


Tips on how to revamp the bathroom

Many people argue against decorating this small space. For them, it is just a requirement of the home, a functional space, hence decoration hardly makes an impact. But think otherwise would not decorating an area of the home perk up the mood or brighten the atmosphere. Moreover, a dreary looking area like bathroom can also uplift your thoughts. Here are some ways on how to remodel it:


Study the bathroom- the first and foremost tip, study inside out of the bathroom. True, this seems to be bit exaggerated, but it is important. when you have set out on a mission to decorate bathroom and spend your earnings it is important to select the best accessories for bathroom. What you can consider is colour shades for bathroom, shower curtain, storage area, basic requirements, direction of water flow, to name a few.

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Measure the curtain space- every bathroom requires a designated bathing area. With a measuring tape you can measure the area. The measuring can be in two directions: width and height. Depending upon measurements you can buy ready made or customized curtains.


  • Decide the print or colour- now that you have understood bathroom and its requirements. Its important to zero down on colour. Among the ways to select shower curtains there are two approaches to select the colour- keep the curtain in focus area and decide other décor elements based on that or vice versa. Think about it. If you are adventurous freak, go for complete mix and match pattern and have splash of colour and if you are not standard ones are the best. The ball falls in your court!
  • Decide the kind of material that you need-once you have researched regarding measurements, budget and finalizing the colour, now you need to select the material. The materials like nylon, polyester and vinyl come within budget and cotton and silk on higher side. There are water repellent ones and ones with special coating to prevent insects and mildew. You may even opt for combination of material that has lining along with curtain. The basic job of lining is to trap the water and not to let it soak within the curtain. But again curtain with lining tends to be expensive.
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Think about the budget– think how much you are willing to spend on remodeling your bathroom? Out of that money how much you can set aside for accessories.  Though money is not only thing to consider but at the same time it is an important factor. When choices are limitless, it is money that narrows down your search.


Thoroughly check the maintenance work required– when remodeling the bathroom it is important to thoroughly check the kind of maintenance work required. With enthusiasm and zeal, one can take up any kind of job. However, with passage of time enthusiasm tales a dip and priorities change. And what seemed exiting at that point of time becomes dull and burdensome. The same can be said about the bathroom accessories. So, select them carefully and make sure you take into account its maintenance regime.



Living in a well decorated home is dream come true, but never forget the bathroom. It is important as well. After all it’s a place that requires lot of personal hygiene and it does require a good set up.  So, keep these tips in mind.

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