After the outbreak of Corona-virus, we all are receiving tips from here and there on how to maintain personal hygiene, how to disinfect the home and your stuff. Here, we have curated tips on how to keep your home virus-free.
Washing the hands frequently is one of the best steps to keep virus at a bay, but the virus can still cling to door knobs, table surfaces, dining chairs, clothes, car, and even your mobile phone. Fortunately, EPA has issued guidelines on how to kill the virus.
The scientists have further pointed out that corona virus can settle on the surfaces like cardboard for 24 hours, on plastic for 2-3 days, and stainless steel. So, cleaning them regularly is the best solution. Here is the list of the surfaces that one needs to clean and disinfect
- Doorknob
- Table
- Dining room chairs
- Kitchen counters
- Bathroom surface
- Faucet
- Toilet handle
- TV remote control
- Switch board
- Game controller
- Sink
- Refrigerator door
- Cabinet handles
Every home is different, this is not the comprehensive list of surfaces that people interact with. It can be extended to the mouse pads, gadgets that they use often, etc. Now in the second part, we will tell you how to clean and disinfectant.
Steps on how to clean and disinfect the home
Before disinfecting the home, clean the surface of the home from any contaminants or debris. You can do this by applying soapy water to the surface and then apply appropriate disinfectant. The quickest way to do this is to use disinfectant spray.
Using bleach mixture
The germs may get attached to your shoes and if you don’t take them off when you step inside the home, you will welcome a lot of virus and germs. To clean the surface of the bathroom and the kitchen, you can make bleach mixture. Add bleach in water to mop the floors. But be aware this mixture cannot be used on the hardwood floors, as it can remove the color. For this, you can use half a cup of vinegar and combine it with 1 gallon of water.
Use hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide is not only the effective method to clean the teeth, but when you pour it over the sink or on the kitchen counter-tops or counter-tops, within 10-15 minutes it will start doing the job. After it is settled, you can rinse it with water. You can easily clean the toothbrush with hydrogen peroxide as it can also harbor bacteria and virus.
Clean the car

Even your car is exposed to germs and virus that can track your way. The best way to sanitize the car is to wash them on daily basis or either clean the door handles, controls, keys and start button and other used surfaces. You can use disinfectant wipes to clean it, except on the leather surface and touchscreen. There are different wipes available in the market to clean the upholstery or you can use the spray like Lysol. It is considered as effective if you let it dry for some-time.
From where you can get disinfectant
You can either buy it from the market or you can make it on your own. If not you are able to get disinfectant from the market at this time, you can get this job done with the soapy water. You can either find it online as well as from local grocery store. Many of the disinfectants come with a label that they are effective against what kind of virus; you have to check the labels.
How to make your own disinfectant?
Take 4 spoons of household bleach, combine it with water , pour it in a bottle and shake vigorously, spray on the surfaces to disinfect the home. Don’t mix bleach with other chemicals as it will damage the surfaces. When using the solution wear gloves and open the windows.
In the end, we would like to say that this virus has already taken toll of lives , it is stressful and scary both. The novel corona virus is making us more thoughtful, so the best way to avoid the entrance of virus is to stay at home and wash your hands regularly.
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