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Home design is changing now and then. With the rise of nuclear families, importance of healthy home, tech advancements, and the interior design is for a change. Today, people think home as a place to work as well as a place of leisure. Hence, we have curated tips on how our future home will look like. With automation becoming a new standard, our home is set to operate on bio-metric locks, remote security, remote control based devices. Even furniture will become bespoke and there will be a push for convenience, personalization and not just technology.

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Here are some easy to make some bold and smart home predictions how a future home will look like in years to come.

1 Evolution of changed construction Methods

Sustainability being in our mind, in the future most of our homes will be made from sustainable material like solar panels or flood resistance technology. This will help our homes to withstand adverse weather conditions like storms, rain, and wind. New construction methods will be in demand.

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Thin-film solar panels- The new home or the future home will be having its own power generation systems. By applying thin film or solar technology in your home or office, you will save on energy consumption.

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2 Smart Homes

Future home Robots- Robots will perform all routine jobs such as cleaning and organizing all household activities. Engineers are making great progress in recent times to develop the most realistic and functional robotics which can identify human speech and respond to it.

smart home future future homes

Smartphones interacting homes- With the help of smartphone we may be able to check the temperature of your refrigerator or can turn off and on your household gadgets such as fan, air conditioner, oven or can start the laundry.

Enhancement of Interactive applications- Smartphone application will interact with your future home robots and instruct them for routine jobs like put the food in the oven or do a load of laundry or clean the bathrooms. With the advanced technology, robots can check the missing items in your refrigerator or pantry and order it directly from the supermarket.

3 Changes in the Entertainment

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The entertainment system of future homes- Entertainment center will be designed to complement and enhance the home efficiency. Combining future reality, virtual reality and mediated reality movies and television will be more interactive ever before. In the future, home entertainment systems will become more interactive and powerful.

4 Home as a workplace

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Home and office of future- Most of the homes in the future will be having their own offices. The future workplace will be flexible so as you can work accordingly. You can interact with coworkers virtually call meetings, collaborate, communicate all from your future office.  There are many technological gadgets and apps that will make the process easy and smooth for you.

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5 Safety of the home

Home Insurance future homes

Safety of future homes- Cameras inside and outside the place with an integrated system using facial recognition software to determine that, who is in the home. This system will be automated so that the police can take action immediately in case intruder gets inside the home.

6 Interior Décor

Modular– The millennial generation doesn’t like permanence. They are constantly changing cities for better job prospects, hence they need the furniture that can be easily assembled and dismantled. Homes in the future would be modular.

modular home amherst future homes

Trendy Interiors– Trendy Interiors have become a new trend. It will survive for decades. People now wish to change the look of the home after every five years.

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Eco-friendly– today, a lot of emphasis is laid on eco-friendly products. A lot of interior decorators are recycling old furniture, adding eco-friendly plants to their homes and eco-friendly lights.

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Multitasking furniture– This is an era of multi-tasking furniture, In small apartments people are using sofa cum bed. The future homes will have less storage space and more things. This is the reason why you should go functional.

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Comfort- A variety of home high-efficiency types of equipment will provide us comfort with ease to stay in our future homes.

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3d interior design future homes


These are the future predictionon but before redoing the home, there are certain questions that you need to ask

  • What is the main purpose of redoing the home- Create a concept and after that plan- whether it home automation or materials or change in color- sit and introspect.
  • Invest in longevity– Think of design that will be relevant for years to come-including furniture, coffee table, etc.
  • Personalize it– don’t do just because someone else is doing it, whether it is about adding tiles or adding a painting. Create a design that reflects your personality.
  • Set the budget- Start thinking about the budget. Get the tools rights and think about how much you need to spend on fabric, polish, interior décor and accessories.

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