lisa congdon kitchen plate wall dwell

When it comes to interior home decoration, you need to be cautious and innovative to make the best use of available household items. Today, in this post we will share the secrets on how to decorate your home.

Tip 1- Try to make your ceiling look higher

Try not to spend excessively on household decorative objective or expensive accessories. With simple hacks you can make the best use of them. Decorating a home need little imagination, creativity, some money and a wandering mind, the right combination of all these elements adds style to the décor.
There are different ways to decorate home in budget, but they are fantastic. Who won’t want to find ways in routine life to save money and get wonderful home decoration tips? Well, don’t get afraid, in this article we will provide you tips on how to decorate your home with stylish interiors along with that these are budget friendly interior décor ideas.

Brighten up the blank walls

In order to brighten dreary looking walls, hang canvases with interior latex painted inside. To give your room a spacious and airy feel, add such canvases of different colors. It is one of the best ways to decorate your home.
Try to make a small dining room look big

Also Read ->  How to create focal point for the room

You can give visual extension to your small dining room by using a round table and armless dining chairs. Still not satiated, then you can opt for transparent table in small spaces to give it an uncluttered feeling.
Enhance the height of dining room

You can increase the height of your dining with vertical stripes painting. You need to paint the corners of the room with pastel shades that gives the room a different angle of looking large and tall.

Add brightness to your dining table

This tip is for people who have boring color choices as neutral shades for your dining room. Even if you are not fond of bold and beautiful colors, you can still get the best deals for your dining room. Thinking how? Well, it is easy place beautiful linen or colored linen and mats on dining table.
Add brightness to the kitchen

Hang beautiful colorful plates in the kitchen. The collection of 10 or 5 plates act as an artwork in the kitchen. Fix these plates in any pattern or design to make it look elegant. This is one of the best and practical ways to add wow factor in the kitchen.

Illuminate the bedroom

To add romantic feeling to your stress bound life change of light bulb is utmost importance. So, this monsoon- change the boring white light bulb to pink colored lights. This perks up the mood and gives room romantic and rosy look.