platform bed bed

A bed is an important investment, so it is necessary to make the best choice. Here are some unusual beds that you can choose from

Platform Bed

Modloft Monroe Platform Bed with Side Lights bed

050808 diybed01 bed

In platform bed no box springs are used. Hence, it tends to provide harder and firm sleeping surface. The major benefit of adding platform bed is it tends to occupy less space in contrast to typical beds.

These beds also include additional storage space in form of drawers or under the base of mattress.

Sleigh Beds

bed sleigh bed

Elegant Sleigh Bed1 bed

The Sleigh Beds are the timeless bed that reminds us of royal times. They have a headboard that is superior to footboard. Both are curved and tops are rolling outward.

These beds are perfect to be fitted in the center of the room or against the wall. These are popular since decades.

Day Beds

eyelet bed

Miko Daybed bed

The day bed looks similar to couch but it has an actual mattress that works the best for the sleeping. It has twin mattresses, link spring and metal structure to support the mattress. These beds are ideal for guest bedroom or for additional sleeping option.

Trundle Beds

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trundle bed drawer bed

These beds have become a rage because it has an additional bed under the main bed. Trundle is just like a day bed that provides additional sleeping option.

Also Read ->  Victorian Themed Bedroom

Captain Beds

Stuart Combo Captains Bed thumb bed

Captain Bed bed

Captain Beds are similar to platform beds the only difference is it includes two rows of drawer and are generally higher. It is one among the space saving option and fits well in kids bedroom.