know how to clean home after holi Inside4 Holi

Holi is a symbol of colors. It is a festival that is celebrated with great enthusiasm and vigor. The day earmarks the victory of goodness over evil. Various sweat-meats are prepared to make the occasion special. While in UP, Holi is incomplete without Gujiya, in Sindhi, it is incomplete without Gheeyar and Meetha Samosa, in Punjab, it is incomplete without Bhang Chutney, and so on. It is a festival spreads happiness and cheer all around.


But this cheer can fade away if the splash of colors appears on the wall. Well, Holi levels up our excitement level, but on the very next day, we promise ourselves not to play it again. So, in this article, we have written tips on how to save the walls of your home from Holi colors.

1 Apply anti-stain varnish

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Whether you are playing Holi inside the home or outside the home, the walls are highly vulnerable to Holi stains. Hence, the best bet is to use anti-stain varnish. You can apply it before the celebration begins. Try to place the furniture, against the walls so that the guests don’t touch the walls even by a mistake. In case, the Holi color still finds its way, immediately wipe it away with a combination of water and bleach.

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If you are playing Holi outside the home you can cover the walls with plastic. It is the best way to protect the wall paint of your home.

2 Say no to scrub

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Image Credit: DIYnetwork

Despite exercising the precautions, there are chances that the colors still stain the walls. In order to get rid of stubborn stains, don’t do excessive scrubbing. Instead one, should dab a cotton towel in water and apply it or use the solution of bleach and water as mentioned above.

3 Protect the furniture

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Image credit:Furnituredekho

Furniture is another item that needs strong protection. You can cover the exposed area with used bed sheet and throw it away. If you have light-furnishings, it is better not to play Holi inside the home.

In case, the furniture stains, you can clean it up using the solution of Hydrogen Peroxide with cloth. If you have fragile furniture piece or other valuable things, you can put it away safely outside the room.

4 Protect the bathroom

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Image Credit:LifeBerrys

The bathroom becomes the most rugged place.  It witnesses a lot of colors post the celebration. While taking a bath, you should not touch furniture and fixture or you can apply a petroleum jelly or oil or wear a plastic glove. Moreover, it is better for you to wash your body in the tub so that the bathroom floor is not stained or you don’t make efforts in cleaning up after Holi.

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5 Protect the floors

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Image Credit: Spotlesscleanersliverpool

If your home is made from expensive flooring, it is better to play outside the home. There are certain colors that can leave permanent marks on the home flooring and it can prove to be eyesore during the cleaning process. After coming from the celebration, use newspapers or plastic to make a path to the bathroom.

6 Don’t overlook wooden frames and furniture

The people generally neglect wooden frames and furniture in their home, but they should exercise a precaution, as these pieces require extra attention. To maintain the sheen, use a undercoat of water-based coating which is ideal for doors, windows and ceilings.

7 Doors

20 weird traditions from around the world 17 Holi

The main door is the area that is splashed by water, colors and stains, especially the knobs. The people touch it without realizing it how much cleaning time it will require. Hence, the best idea is to apply turpentine oil or petroleum jelly on the knob to get rid of unwanted stains.

8 Use waterproofing products

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We are not the ones who get drenched in Holi colors and water while celebrating the festival, your house also face the problem. The excessive water splash can damage the walls of the home and make it vulnerable to cracks and gap thus leading to damage. So, the best way to protect is by using waterproof products. It works as a wonder for them. You can apply it on the exterior surface or use it to fill the cracks.

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To conclude, Holi is a festival surrounded with colors and happiness, you can easily maintain it if you follow above-mentioned tips.