At some point of time you really wanted to make the living room or bedroom pop. But actually when you did it looked like a kid cartoon playhouse and now you are resenting. The idea is not to fret. Here we have mentioned some tips on how to tone down the bright wall color.
Opt for neutral color drapes. Like white or beige colored curtains balance the room.
Adorn the bed or couch in a neutral bedding or slipcover. Or opt for beddings that don’t have elaborate stiching or patterns.
Opt for low light settings. Like a lampshade with a dimmer is the best option to consider.
Use a blue light bulb to tone down the bright wall color.
Opt for a painting or wall hanging with lots of white space on the walls. It will take away the focus on walls.
Mix the wall color with a white color to get a softer tone.
Some tips to Consider
While painting use rolled rug or a large paint brush. And if you want to make the room darker instead of lighter, add dark color to the paint.
Cover the floor and furniture with the plastic. Once the paint gets over it become difficult to rub off. Use sponge technique inside the closet or opt for an old piece of wood before touching the wall color.