DIY Lights at home 2 DIY accessories

Are you a fan of DIY stuff? DIY projects are becoming very popular especially when it comes to home decorations, mainly because they offer something unique, inexpensive but totally beautiful for the family to enjoy.

DIY Lights at home (1)

Lighting installations are among the most common DIY projects done today. This is because lights give a sense of freshness around the house, which is something every homeowner needs to enjoy every day that passes by.

If you’re into DIY projects, then for sure you’ll have fun doing these fancy lighting installations. Check out the ones below:

DIY Lights at home (5)

1. Canister lights.

Lights in canisters are perfect for garden lighting, especially if you want to achieve a romantic garden setting. You can place candles inside wide-rim glass canisters and hang them in tree branches, then lit them up before sunset to make the tree glow.

DIY Lights at home (3)

2. Tangerine candle.

If you have oranges in your home, better check this trick out. You can create scented candles out of them without any difficulty. What you can do is cut an orange crosswise in half, then remove its flesh. Then add some melted paraffin wax (you can melt the wax and add some orange coloring) and a wicker then set it dry. Once done, you can lit the candle and enjoy not only its dim light, but also its fresh citrus scent.

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DIY Lights at home (4)

3. Cloudy lamp.

Are you dreaming of having clouds in your bedroom? Then all you have to do is give your lampshade a makeover by covering it with lots of cotton. Then hang the lamp on the ceiling. When you turn on the light, you now have instant clouds right on your ceiling. Perfect for kids’ bedrooms.

DIY Lights at home (2)