Home Office Design Ideas Images


Commercial interior design also called as contract or non residential interior can be described as challenging and tedious process of creating and managing the construction or renovation of the commercial spaces. Though people use the commercial interior design term interchangeably with home office interior designing. However, the work encompasses much larger than just decorating office spaces. In other words, designing a commercial space includes designing the interior of any home that serve business purposes. It generally demands a significant amount of attention and it involves just more than decoration of the interior of the space. The design projects address several issues like:


  • How to design and maximization of the space
  • Eco friendly build up and renovation
  • Ceiling and Lightning options
  • Power options
  • Plumbing options
  • Commissioning data and voice communication system to meet the demands

This work includes the experts to have a grasp about architecture, as well as an artistic sense of attractive settings within the space. In present times, we take a lot of things for granted. So, it is important to compare today’s advertisement to that of 50 years ago. Think about visual current merchandise to visual merchandise in the 20th century.

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How about commercial interior design? As you think about the evolution of the commercial public spaces, you will realize about the enormous changes that the process has gone through. In this article, we will provide details about commercial interior design.

Evolution of Commercial Interior


Major historians think that the profession of commercial interior started to have its beginning way back in the 19th century. It is used to be known as interior decoration initially. One of the key influences was the development of new techniques and technologies that created a new benchmark in the society called as Industrial Revolution. They made the mass produced furnishing and materials cheaper and accessible to all.

Initially, most of the early commercial interior work was done by the architects. The start of the 20th century saw an emergence of interior decorators and designers that focused on the commercial interiors.



The commercial interior design has various fascinating aspects; due to different projects involved. And it will continue to evolve as the business aim to maximize the commercial space while reducing clutter.