According to interior designers in Singapore, one of the biggest frustrations homeowners face these days is limited floor space. This is especially true for people living in condos and HDBs, as they only have a specific floor area to place all their stuff in. They likewise bring in more things as time passes by, and their homes can only accommodate so much.


However, if you look at the situation of people living in small homes, the real problem is not about limited space, but on how to utilise it. It is by knowing how to organise things properly that you can fully appreciate the space that you have at home, and use it to come up with a comfortable dwelling that you’ve always wanted.

So how do maximise the space in your home? If you happen to be living in a home with a limited floor area, then here are some tips from interior designers in Singapore that may come in handy:

  1. Learn to let go of the things you don’t need.

If you are to look around your house, you will realise that you have a lot of things that you are not using. They are just there, stored in boxes and cabinets, and these containers occupy space. Some items meanwhile are scattered across the house, broken and damaged but you still choose to keep them for sentimental reasons.

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Well, if you are eager to have more room in your home, then learn how to purge things. Start with those that you no longer use, such as old clothes and accessories, then with items that you have already lost interest in using. You can give these away to families and friends or donate them to charity, or make a profit out of them via a yard sale. By doing so, you not only gain more room in your otherwise cramped home but feel better in terms of freedom and movement around the house.

  1. Create zones for specific functions.

In homes with small spaces, some areas are often conjoined, such as the living room, dining room, and kitchen. While at first they look just one common area, you can maximise them by putting them in zones.

You may want to use a divider to segregate the living room and the dining room, or position your furniture pieces in a way that they create boundaries between these areas. Doing so creates an illusion of wider floor space, as you have an adequate room dedicated to each section of your home.

  1. Utilise your storage spaces.

Another way to maximise your small home is by utilising your storage spaces, such as cabinets and cupboards. What you can do here is further subdivide the sections of these storage areas so that they can properly accommodate specific items.

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You can create smaller sections in cupboards where you can place small pieces of cutlery, or add a drawer inside your closet so have an extra dedicated room for garments that are better folded rather than hung.

  1. Use vertical space.

When one says “limited space” in the home, the first thing that comes to mind is floor space. However, what you lack in floor area, you can make up with vertical space. You may want to utilise your walls by turning them into storage areas installing storage planks and shadowboxes. You may also dedicate a wall for your memorabilia in case you have no space in your living room.

Making the most out of your small home space is easier than you think. It all begins with having the right vision and learning to prioritise the value of space in your abode.