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Do you want to convert your dreary kitchen into endearing? Well, the best idea is to add bold patterns. If that does not satiate you, read further:

Builder Concept Home 2011



To give your kitchen a bold look, try opting for orange mohair or go for Ikea cabinets. With it, you can use matching wood frames. It will truly transform the look of your kitchen.

 Adding dark textures


Adding dark textures in kitchen gives them a cozy style. So, go for a secondhand brass desk lamp. It will truly make your kitchen the best place in home.

Mix and Match


To make your kitchen stand out go for glass pendants, as these don’t block the light. Natural lightning gives an essence that would be envied by your friends.

 Add distinct seating


To give your kitchen a refreshingly look, go for assortment of old stools. The stool should be quirky in style, concrete and durable.

Add creative touches


In order to bring character to your kitchen, add creative touches to the kitchen. Go for painted hutch, metal bistro chairs, etc. This is the best way to make your shabby looking chic and stylish.

Neutral but not dreary

Also Read ->  How to select Kitchen Cabinets


Marble and white title in backsplash do wonders for your kitchen. Old Chamber stove make the kitchen stylish and sophisticated.

Warm Colors


Adding warm colors to the kitchen makes the home look endearing.

 Open Kitchen-Conventional kitchen is matter of past, the bright idea is to add strung with S hooks, steel pipe, and utensils in easy reach.