Fairy lights can add a unique touch to the home wherever they are illuminated. Small and sparky they look ideal for every occasion. These lights add an ethereal touch of beauty the home. And the best part of such lights is they are quite affordable and you don’t need to worry about shelling out large amount of money to meet your décor requirements. Here in this blog post, we provide you some ways on how to lighten up the home at affordable rate.

For Bedroom

Fairy Lights are apt for the bedroom. These lights add glamour and serenity to the room. You can use these lights around the railing of the bed or you can hang it around the canopy of the bed and make it look magical. You can even decorate the headboard of the bed in various ways to enhance the look of the bedroom. If you have a dressing table in the bedroom, then even string of lights can make it look more beautiful. You can even add fairy chandeliers in the home to give it a new look.

Add it to your living room

You can add these lights in your living room where you end up entertaining the guests or you can use them as centerpieces too. You can put these decorative lights in a jar and watch these lights work as a magic in an ordinary vessel. If you have a mirror in the living room, you can even add string of fairy lights around the room to enhance the look of the mirror. You can also use bridgecases as centerpieces by adding fairy lights into them.

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What else I can do?

Other thing that you can do is to hang up fairy lights around the home and let them become a focal point. You can even create different shapes according to your wish and wrap these lights around it. It can become your mantel piece. If you are searching for an innovative way to add photos in your living, the wire of fairy lights will do the task. You can hang these lights in whatever you wish to, clip the photos on the wires.

You can add them outdoors too

One of the best ways to improve the look of the garden is to add fairy lights. You can do this by wrapping these lights around trees and plants. If you don’t want to wrap around trees and plants and then just hang it from trees. If you have a balcony and want it to shine, hang string of fairy lights. You can use them as lanterns filled with these lights.