
Bathroom is the most neglected area of the home. Revamping the bathroom is not a tedious task. All it need is little bit of effort and extensive research. No doubt, hiring an interior designer will make the task easier for you, but if you want to give your bathroom a facelift without spending a lot of money, then here we offer you tips on how to create a smart bathroom without spending a lot of money.


The first and foremost thing while changing the overall look of the bathroom is to think beyond the accessories. So, now brace up yourself for some quick tips:


Lightning Arrangements

Metal based lightning is apt for the bathroom. What actually is metal lightning? Well, it’s simple! Lamp shades or lamps made from metals like copper, chrome or brass, which is generally used to construct the boats. This kind of lightning will add dramatic effect to the bathroom. In case you don’t have lavish budget, buy some second hand lamps, they are easily available in online stores.


Natural Furniture will do the trick

The bathroom furniture plays an essential role and it’s important cannot be compromised at all. Natural furniture that you can add to the bathroom is wood. Yes! It is the best choice for the bathroom, but beware wood need to be durable in nature. Exotic wood, oak, mahogany are the best options. In case, you want a particular color combination or a theme, it can be painted to reflect the combination of your choice. You can even create sea side effect, by adding rattan and wicker furniture. Don’t forget to accentuate with sea side accessories. It will bring authentic value of the bathroom. Storage baskets, simple shelf brings a great impact to the room.

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Accentuate the bathroom in a right way

Accentuate the bathroom with a duckboard from a wooden lattice that can be used as flooring. The idea of incorporating a duckboard in front of tub or shower is the best. Moreover, it is easy to maintain and is a right substitute to the carpet.
