3bbe0edbf7833fc352ebc3e13667caf2 removable wall paper

Removable wall paper that looks like replica has become a fad in wall coverings. They are apt for folks who like to change things on frequent basis. Just peel and stick. Starting from whimsical to artistic to modern, a wide range of wall paper is available in the market. This kind of wall design is gaining popularity because of various reasons. Here we have elucidated the same:


They are available in different designs- While floral patterns and shades of burgundy and hunter green were popular wall paper of olden times, today’s versions are much more different than that and it comes in various designs and paint styles. Starting from trendy geometric design wall paper like chevron to handmade varieties that resemble fine art and everything in between, wall paper is experiencing a renaissance in the interior design arena- so why to fuss, all of sudden?


People are sticking to same and are not moving forward, so rather than keeping things neutral they are willing to experiment and show their shelves to people, says renowned interior designer Nina Taylor.

Various internet sites like Pininterest have created a huge impact on the minds of people. A new peel and stick wall paper has become a fad. You can look at so many images of what things look like and it’s easy to know what is trending. You can find new trends from the social media market too. It turns out that wall paper is a dramatic way to express your personality as compared to paint. It can really set a different scene and transform the living space, says Brian Kaspr, co-founder of renowned wall paper company. Wall papers are like jewel boxes of different patterns.

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Once you have decided to experiment with the wall paper, selecting the right one is easier than you may think. Trust your inner instincts. We are generally drawn to particular colors and prints for this reason. It is important to narrow your choices down to handful or less options, then consider the following questions until you have found the right match for your home.


In which room I can use the wallpaper?

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Decide where to use

Stunning Furniture
Starting from trendy geometric designs to handmade design that is replica of art form, wall paper is experiencing a dramatic change. Most people prefer to use patterns and neutral shade wall paper in bedroom but for kitchen, living room and entertaining spaces they wish to add liveliness. Considering a room’s use will also help to find the best choice for you and with it you can check the durability. A teenager’s room is the most fragile place to decorate, but a guest bedroom is probably simple.

Durability of wall paper

To ensure maximum durability of wall paper, vinyl varieties are in trend. They look as good as real thing for a lot less money. These are great for high traffic zone and for high moisture areas like bathrooms and kitchens, in part because they are easy to clean. In most cases, all you need to do is to just to wipe away and clean.
Measure scale of the space
A long vertical pattern like fern living family tree wall paper creates a high impact on high walls, but not necessarily when the ceilings are low. Busy, small patterns are best for walls that are broken up with windows, artwork and door, but if you have minimal artwork.

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Check the brightness of the room

A dark, busy choice might make a small look cramped and whimsical, but if it’s a large space like a living room or foyer, it can dazzle you with its designs the moment you walk through it.

Depends upon square footage area


According to a rule of thumb the oversized patterns will create an overwhelming effect on the rooms, but like general rules this one can be ignored and often it is done. In fact, you have a particular preference for bold drama, big patterns in drama, dark shades, then it can also be added in your home. Lighter shades and simple prints create buoyancy to space, where as dark shades and complex prints creates a focal point to the room, according to the interior designer.

How often do you like to experiment?

If the answer to this question is less than two or three years, you might want to opt for new and removable varieties that look exactly like the same thing. One of the most recent trends in the wall paper design that draws people together who don’t to invest for a long time, is peel off the wall, without leaving mark. Then they are available in various patterns, designs, texture and grain, which makes it feel like a regular or standard wallpaper, but they are bit costly. If you are fond of art then flat vernacular wall papers or hand printed wall papers are the best, but all are essentially giant stickers.

What kind of statement that you want to make?


The idea of wall papering may make you feel jittery, so start with half a wall with baseboard or paint the other half of the wall. You can go for light, simple patterns, so that you can warm up the room. When you are ready to take a risk, start adding wall paper on one statement wall of the room, and go bold with pattern, color and scale. The effect thatit creates will be eye-popping. But if you really want to make your home a conversation starter for the dinner party, consider adding removable wall paper in a room, kitchen backsplashes is the best option. Some people like to add wall paper on old coffee table to jazz up the look of the room.
Can you do it yourself?

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The removable kind of wallpaper can be easily applied in the home by yourself. In most cases, you don’t need to add glue to these papers- just peel it and stick it. For anything else, it is better to hire a professional. Working with traditional wall paper can be a nightmare and once you stick in between , it’s hard to get the project on track without starting over again. Many people work on hourly rates.
Are you ready to start?
Do what designers do and create a separate storyboard for your room in a beforehand. Cut out the images from the magazines, collect swatches from fabric, paint and wallpaper samples and put them together. Hang them on the wall and live with it and see how it works.

In a nutshell, in this way you can easily decorate even the dreary looking home.