1ghk ways add color to room orange lgn

Colors rejuvenate our spirit. It makes a home stress free and brings energy among people. Colors do have their own significance like for example the color white resembles peace, green represents prosperity, blue represents serenity, red color reflects the bold personality in you. Here we have mentioned some ways on how to add color to a home in an unusual way.

great roomApril 2011 010

Front Door


We all know first impression is last impression, so why not make first impression as the lasting impression by painting your front door. Your front door is the entry gate to your home, hence it should be inviting. Moreover, it should reflect the personality of your home. A freshly painted home gives visitors an impression that home is kept well by the owners. A dark colored front door indicates that you are stylish and sophisticated. Red or Yellow color front door makes visitors feel that you are bold and courageous. Painting the front door in an unusual way suggests that you love to experiment with new things, hence you are innovative. So, painting the front door is the simple step to add color to your home.



Most of the people forget the most crucial place- inside the bookshelves. In case you are on a rent- go for neutral colors. In case, you want to create magic or experiment with the colors-paint inside the bookshelves or the cabinet. It will create a big impact on your room.



The next step is to paint the floor. It is best way to add color to your home. Moreover, it is a kind of surprise to the visitors. Painting your floors is the best way to cover up flaws in older hardwood floors and it cost very less as compare to refinishing the floors. Adding a dash of color is fantastic and a creative way to refurbish your mind set too.

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Paint your Ceiling


The most unusual way to add color to home is by painting your ceiling. Do you believe in the myth that dark colored ceiling can make your home or space look small? Well, it is a myth that needs to be dispelled. If you are still worried about the same, go for neutral colors like pale blue, grey, etc. Adding a splash of color will add a lively touch to your room. It will ignite your senses.

Adding colorful appliances


It is the latest trend that mostly European families are opting to. As it is an acknowledged fact natives of Europe tend to be more colorful as compared to Americans. Hence, we can hire this trend from them. Colorful appliances in the kitchen are in rage. For instance, adding blue or red kitchen appliances adds a pop of color to the kitchen, but also brings back the lost energy, and character. A word for wise- it is not easy to paint the large kitchen appliances, but it is easy to paint cabinet and walls.

Paint Kitchen Cabinets


Kitchen need not to have plain white look, although this look is more often we see. Kitchen cabinets can be painted easily.  The kitchen cabinets can be painted in the color that reflects your personality. Commencing from bold to neutral, kitchen cabinets can be painted in various colors. If you want to add a dash a color to your kitchen ,but want to do so in a subdued way, the simply paint the inside of the cabinet. Further, if you want to experiment, then you can paint inside and outside of the kitchen cabinet in same color or use contrasting colors. The best way to give face-lift to the kitchen is re-painting the kitchen cabinets.

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Paint the furniture


The best way to revive the old furniture is paint it again. If the furniture cannot be painted again or if the sofa has earned few stains to its credit, then consider repairing the same or change the slip cover.  Adding a dash of color to your old chairs can change the look of the room dramatically.

Adding artwork in the home


It is not crucial to be a painter to add artwork to your home. All you need to do is to add a simple painting, posters or family photographs on the wall. Hanging artwork on the walls not only adds punch to the room, but paintings will add a new dimension to the room. Moreover, you can select the paintings depending upon your personality. A home will truly look nice and exotic; if there’s collection of hangings on the walls.  Also, the market is filled with innumerable artists in different genre, so you can select them according to the theme of the room.


Using Accessories To Personalize The Interior Design  Contemporary-home-accessories-design

You can easily add color to the room or change the tone of the room by adding accessories to the room. You can use some throw blankets, pillows of different hue, pattern or texture. It is an inexpensive way to add drama to the bedroom or alter the mood of the room. Keep few things in spare, in case you want to change ambiance of the room dramatically or according to the seasons or just you feel like. It is an inexpensive way to face-lift the room.

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Add flowers to the room


It is the most conventional way to spruce up the bedroom decor. If you don’t want to paint the room, add bright and colorful flowers. Commencing from an ornate arrangement or grouping of flowers or a vase or large bowl of flowers can bring drastic transformation to your space. What’s more! It can instantly bring transformation to your space. Further, you can change the flowers on regular basis or depending upon the seasons.

So, whether your kitchen or room is conventional, the best way to modernize is to add a dash of color to the room. Today, the markets are filled with several ideas, so you need to make creative use of colors or think about innovative methods on how to change the look of the room.