study room design 1

In the reading room, one should plan the lights very carefully as the intensity affects a lot on the eyes and thus health. Lightning in the study room need to play much importance for reading and writing properly and light should be planned strategically to avoid strain on eyes. To get the right amount of illumination for study or reading or writing can be achieved by placing table lamps pr lamps in a way that directly falls on reading or writing table. For avoiding harsh strain on eyes, one should make use of suitable light that comes from behind monitor or screen. Arrange the reading lamps with proper quality and quantity to get proper illumination and easy concentration.


One should make an arrangement for natural lightning because natural lightning is best for study room as lightning creates positive impact on eyes. There are various lamps available in the market that produces natural light and helps in reducing stress for long time or even at time of reading and writing. Anti-glare light is the best for students who study for long hours, as it doesn’t affect the eyes. Here are some lightning arrangements that you can select from these kind of lightning, which does not affect the health of the children:
Task lightning
Pendant fixtures lightning
Recessed lightning

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Task lightning- it is useful to keep the children away from glare and shadow at the times of using computers in study room. For purpose of lightning, task lights should be placed in a way to avoid glare and shadow. The use of table lamp is flexible, adjustable to any angles or direction for taking the best illumination for the task and to create full spectrum of natural light. For taking sufficient illumination one should provide with the general lightning, up lighters and down lighters for sufficient illumination in the study room.

When making arrangement locate task lightning properly to keep away both glare and shadow on the screen. Ambient lightning can be done in form of ceiling and wall fixtures. When one want to provide floor lamps while reading or writing, task lightning should be kept 1-00 meter to 1-22 meter high from the floor. Use of portable floor lamp has extra benefits for lightning and reading. The shade on the light should disperse the light and abolish glare, thus open top shades are required.