Outdoor Decor Ideas with Wall Chandelier

Suppose you have an ugly looking wall outside your home, perhaps that wall may be separating your home from the neighbor. Its really distracting for the eye and you need to hide it any cost. Here are some ways on how to cover the ugly walls.

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Decorate the wall

It is probably the simplest solution that you can do to rejuvenate the home, painting or decorating an ugly wall. The idea is to highlight the wall with help of wall mural or make its ugly side invisible by painting the wall with white colour. If you pick second option, you can decorate the wall with a wide array of accessories that includes small, colourful items that will take attention from the wall. There are many other decorations that can be used to cover the wall like bird houses, windmills, watering cans, etc. Aside from that, there are a variety of plants and terracotta pots of different sizes. You need to think in terms of diversity. Don’t forget to dress it up all.

By camouflaging, you can hide the wall from the view of a common observer. The first thing that you need to do is to use the reeds of thin plants like cut bamboos. If you don’t have reel plants at disposal, go for pre-made fences that are similar to reed fencing. These are affordable and easy to install. Go for redder ones to get brick wall feel.
After that, you can even plant vines that take up more floor space like wisteria, clematis, or even ivy that has the advantage of keeping it leaves all year around. Finally, you can add a nice bench to break the length of the wall. Hang artwork to give finishing touch.
Add green touch to the walls

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It may sound a bit obvious, but creating a green wall is the best option for an outdoor wall. With that being obvious option, it takes a lot more time than earlier options. But one thing is important that you require special bags to attach to the wall. You then need to find appropriate variety of plants that are adapted what you are trying to accomplish. In other words, if you need to pick the ones that can flow along the wall it will completely overshadow it. You may even have grass surrounding around the wall, covering the empty patches around it.
In a nutshell, in this way you can decorate an ugly looking wall easily.