Zen Garden at home

Everybody needs somewhere calm and quiet to relax every once in a while, and a zen garden is a perfect place to sit after a long, hard day at work. Many people find they enjoy reading, yoga, or meditating near their zen space, which is perfect for those who need a time out. This is our guide on how to create a perfect zen garden:
1. Choosing where to place your zen garden:
Usually, a zen garden is a walled-in space that cannot be seen – of course, this isn’t always possible so many people opt for lattice fencing around the area to close it off instead. Your zen garden should be somewhere you can see from a window to ensure you can look out on it if you need to relax indoors.
2. Prepare the area you have chosen:
This area should be flat and clear; if you have a perfect space you could use that has any unwanted trees/stumps, you could hire an expert like this tree surgeon from Harrogate to remove them, which would save you a huge job and also clear up your space.
 3 – Select the rocks, plants, and gravel you will use for your garden:
The gravel is usually white and used to cover the area, this is then raked into lines to create the appearance of water. The rocks should be a mixture of tall and flat, they represent islands in your ‘water’. To represent the vegetation on the islands, plants are used around the rocks; a good selection of plants to choose from are moss, creeping thyme, bamboo, and creeping junipers. Some people also like to add that touch of colour by planting a cherry blossom tree too.
Zen Garden home
4 – Dig out the holes in which you will place your rocks and plants:
Install them as you would like them around your space. Try to place these where they would naturally occur in nature. If you imagine the gravel is your ‘water’ and the rocks are islands; try to imagine how they freely exist on the planet.
 5 – Line and place your gravel:
You will usually have a sheet underneath your gravel for it to sit on. Spread the gravel around the rest of the space evenly. Once all of the gravel is down, use your rake to create the lines which represent the water. Part of the maintenance of the Zen garden will be to re-create these lines when the elements disturb them.
 6 – Add features:
If you wish to, you may add a water feature such as a fountain or birdbath if you desire. Many people find the sound of a flowing fountain relaxing.
 7 – Enjoy!
Sit back and enjoy and maintain your new zen space. Use this space when you feel you need to relax or meditate.

Also Read ->  Wooden Interior Design

Zen gardens have evolved over centuries and so there are no exact features that make one garden more authentic than the next. The overall look, however, should be minimalist and relaxing.