Zen Garden at Home 1 Zen Garden

Zen Garden at Home (1)

A Zen garden is a minimalist garden design that aims to give peace and relaxation around the house. Many homeowners are starting to create a Zen garden, as this is a place in which they can rest and meditate after a stressful day at work.  In the Buddhist tradition, Zen is a practice of generating inner peace, calmness and a worry-free mind. And yes, this kind of garden style is easy to set up, especially when you already have a pre-existing garden at hand.

Zen Garden at Home (6)

 When setting up a Zen garden, you should first clear out the space in which youÆve chosen to place the setup. You may start with a small square patch of land in your garden, remove the grass and replace it with sand. From there you can add stones that replicate a Zen design, which may include:

Zen Garden at Home (5)

1.Four to five stones sitting on each other from biggest to smallest, with rings drawn on the sand surrounding them.

2. Two stones, big and small, placed at a distance from each other on the sand patch.

The design of the rocks is to promote fusion, balance and relaxation, which is what Zen is all about.

Zen Garden at Home (4)

Once you’re done, you may proceed with decorating the garden with surrounding green plants. These plants should be frequently trimmed and be situated just around the sand patch, as the sandy area represents the open space. You may also place a statue of Buddha on the rocks, and place a man-made pond or fountain nearby.

Also Read ->  Garden Furniture for a Small Garden

Zen Garden at Home (2)

Zen Garden at Home (3)

You can also follow this style indoors; you can allot a particular space in the house for an indoor Zen garden. This way, you can feel the peaceful atmosphere right inside the house.