pops of pastels

Happy babies need to be grown in happy rooms. Go out and research exhaustive about your toddler’s room décor. Go for gender specific, if you have more than one baby in a room. Here are some tips: Swings or even a rocking horse are a great place to start when choosing stylized décor.



  • Blend fun with function
  • Keep messy items like sandboxes for the playground or the garden
  • Create a place where they can work and play
  • Find a dedicated area that matches with the décor
  • A study table chair, lamp shade and drawers are important
  • Add sights and sounds to the room
  • Decorative pieces that move, glow and play music throughout the day will help baby to giggle
  • Add Musical baby mobiles
  • Glossy dark paints and wallpaper are the best option to add to baby’s room.