kids bedroom furniture set

There are various elements that define kid’s room like castles, dragons, fairies, etc. A lot has been written about these in the books and is there in the hearts of children. But they don’t have to remain with child imagination. Parents can help them to make their dreams turn into reality.  Here are some mantras on how to decorate kid’s room.


Furniture for kid’s room


The furniture requirement will depend upon child’s age and even the gender of child will affect the choice.  For small babies, a small crib is the best. A crib can be placed in parent’s bedroom but if a child room is adjacent and easily accessible, it could be kept in child’s room too. The crib should have separate sidewalls of slats that don’t have a gap of more than couple of inches so that the bed can easily accommodate toys. One of the sidewalls should be collapsible so that the mattress could be changed easily. The crib should be kept at a height that allows picking and laying babies.



In baby’s bedroom there should be comfortable chair for feeding and table should be placed at height, so that the mother can easily change the nappies. The beautiful chests can be design with help of storage open baskets to open nappies and other essential items.

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Starting from cribs to toddler’s bed, it is a important in life of a child. This kind of passage from infant to toddler is a big way. When your child is too big for a cradle but small for regular sized bed, a bunk bed or a multi-purpose bed is the best. Here you can keep toys, dresses, toiletries, etc. For children upto 10 years of age imaginative furniture like a car or cottage is more suitable at this age. The bunk beds are the best if you more than one child and it is a space server for the room.

Furniture for school going children


School going children will require a study table and a computer table. Children above 10 years of age will need space for storage furniture like books, games, toys, etc. Ample storage units can be provided. Some of these can be glass fronted to hold toys, games, books, etc. Easily accessible storage items are available for small children. High shelves for storing books are a practical addition to child’s room.

 Corner bathroom designs


If you buy a small bathroom with minimal space, you might probably want to buy corner bathroom design, which is specially designed to fit in any corner of the bathroom.  A corner bathroom is apt for smaller space where you have less space to consume. But it is not restricted to small bathrooms only; it can be  used to bring aesthetics in the home. If you have a separate space for a shower, installing a corner bathroom design can be a good option. These baths have become highly popular option for you. These bathroom are stylish and various attractive designs are available because of two main reasons because it is attractive and it has ability to fit in small spaces. You can put corner bath in two ways:corner bath tub or a corner shower.

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Corner bath tubs utilize the space in the corners of the bathroom which might get wasted otherwise. These range in various sizes from very small tubs to larger ones that can easily accommodate two persons.  They also come in various shapes and designs with motifs, built-in seats, air jets for artificial currents.

Corner Bath tubs– It occupies less space and is usually allow smaller tubs to fit in taht include buit-in-tubs or free standing tubs of different shapes like square, circular, pie or a wedge, etc. These tubs are intelligent choices for a contemporary and modern look. The benefits of corner bath tubs are that they provide space configuration and add elegance and style to the bathroom.


The only flaw with these tubs are they are not easy to clean as standard tubs are and they don’t have in-built shower. For privacy, shower curtains can be added in the bathroom.  Shower curtain rods are generally neglected but they can make a great impact in the look of your corner bathtub. They are practical and complement the shape of tub or shower.

To go with your bathtub or shower, your corner bathroom might need a corner bath shower too. You can install showers specifically designed to complement corner of the bathroom. The more popular option is hand held shower style which can be hung on a hook or mounted on the wall, or can be directly attached to the faucet. You may want to consider the wall mounted corner showers that are traditional, but have edge over other designs.

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If you are installing corner bathtubs because of space constraint then a corner bath vanity might be just what you are looking for. These vanities are typically triangular in shape and requires less apace and are as functional and practical as standard vanity