Victorian era decoration means style of decorative arts  during Victorian age. Victorian homes are fabulously unique in style, it is full of character and open to wonderful array of beautiful  interior designs opportunity. Let us explore Victorian homes and the ways to decorate them in grand way.

Victorian home is the house with the Victorian architecture such as it was build and modelled.  This era corresponds to the time when queen Victoria ruled  in Britain, some where between 1837 to 1901. During this time there was  lot of innovation in architecture. These styles are wide in character with distinctive characters.

Steeply pitched roof with irregular shape with a dominant front facing gable.

Textured shingles to avoid smooth walled appearance.

Full asymmetrical porch and extends along one or both side of walls. Asymmetrical exterior of the home.

During this era there was peace and prosperity in the country due to this lots of innovation occurred the influence was felt was all over. Still there are scars found of this old architecture.

Do you still want to feel these vibes. Color to the walls are the first to start. The excellent feature to exccentuate is height of floor to ceiling.  Using white shades on these will make them stand out and wall fades into background. Can paint every thing including floorboards. Painting light or white colors on the walls and shelfs will give you a nice airy feel. This method can be applied to the furniture of the rooms as well. Can decorate the home with same type of decorative pillows table cloths or curtains. Traditional rug too add comfort feeling to the home.

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Victorian rooms are often large and airy. To save time and money can opt for older or antique linen can be picked from thrift store. Try to decorate rooms as the maximum area can be covered.

Bathrooms with high and beautiful ceilings  with hardwood floor and bathtub in the center painting in this room with darker shades would create a more up-to-date feel.

Bedrooms are the place you want to feel the ease. It is the place where you sleep or dress and comfort is required in this area. Choose linens which matches the color of the walls.

Dinning place where you can spruce your home with luxurious mirrors the key element of the time period. An extra-long side board to display arrangement and food. Victoria era decoration should be grand and marvelous.

Hanging with flower baskets is a beautiful way to dress up your porch or patio. Victorian decorative art refers  the style of decorative art during Victorian time. Victorian designs are indulged in grand excess of ornaments. This era reminds its interpretation and eclectic revival of historic styles mixed with introduction of Asian and middle east styles in furniture and fittings and interior decorations.

Wallpapers and wallcoverings with elaborate floral patterns with primary colors in background. Embossed wallpaper used on ceilings adds a special look.

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Victorian style of decorating now a days is very hard to consider as you need lots of space and traditional type construction which is in abundance now a days.