The resurrection of Jesus, as described in the New Testament of the Bible , is essential the foundation upon which the Christian religions are built. Easter is a very important and significant date on the Christian calendar.

According to the new Testament , Jesus was arrested by the Roman authorities, as he claimed to be the Son of God. As there are some old sayings that the Romans may have viewed him as a threat to empire.

Jesus was sentenced to death by crucifixion on in the year 26 to 36 AD by Pontius Pilate in the province of Judea.

Easter is also associated with Jewish holiday of Passover, as well ads the exodus of the Jews from Egypt.

Easter is a Christian holiday which celebrates the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Although Easter holiday is of very high significance in Christian faith and many traditions are associated with.

Lent is a forty days period of fasting and spiritual discipline in prepration of Easter. The week preceding Easter is called as holy week. Jesus crucifixion commemorated on Good Friday.

Easter comes right at the beginning of the spring every year. The sun is shinning more often and pushing dreariness of winter away. You can try your hand at some crafts at your home to decorate the Easter. Now a days burlap also comes in various colours of your choice so you can try in some different colours too of your own choice. Which will look great.

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Try for wood Easter bunny. Try to get some leftover pieces of wood with some tools and make some adorable and durable Easter bunnies in a very little time. Once it being created put some colours to decorate it. This being a child friendly craft and kids of all the age group love to play with.. These bunnies can be painted and put some colourful ribbons on the neck.

Easter wine glasses and centrepieces if you do not drink can put these glasses in your cupboards. Put them to good use this as charming centrepieces. You can paint the glass with egg Easter eggs or bunny faces or some extract designs or can add some ribbons. It is being great to share  with some of your friends as non food treat to them.

Try to cut stencil with vinyl cutting machine and apply to painted board then remove the stencil voila and a happy Easter sign.

One can make doily banners with vinyl colours. These banners look great . In some households , a character known as Easter bunny delivers candy and chocolates eggs to children on Easter Sunday morning. These candies often arrive in an Easter basket.

Today, Easter is also commercial event as well as a religious holiday , marked by sales of greeting cards , candies, chocolate Easter bunnies.

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