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Monsoon is the most awaited time of year. Muddy puddles, the shining lush green scenery, musky smell, enliven the romance and joy within us. Nothing can beat heavy splashes of rain combined with rough winds and droplets of dew outside the windows. The beauty of monsoon cannot be described in few words. However, the only con of this season is that we have to confine ourselves to our home because of heavy rains, neglecting the fact the pandemic has also made us do so. Here, in this article, we have articulated few tips that can change the look of the home or add a cheer to it without burning a hole in your pocket.

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1 Add a dash of color

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Color changes the look of the home. Adding it during the monsoon season would uplift your mood. It is a good way to say goodbye to traditional décor. You can start with the living room, where you spend most of your time with friends and family. Paint the walls with different shades or pep up the room with vibrant cushion covers, woolen bean bags, geometric floor mat, or add accessories. After all, colors do impact the look of the room and change the feel too.

2 Add a green touch to your bedroom

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If you love this season, let it enter to your bedroom. Thinking how? Add essence of greenery in your bedroom with green plants. Let the theme of monsoon enter your bedroom through forest printed sheets, leaf printed bed-cover, quilts, armchair, footrest, or a block of wood on the side table. Now, your room will spell monsoon beauty in every way. This theme also adds lot of freshness and greenery to the bedroom. It is an ideal way to change the look of the bedroom.

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3 Create an umbrella stand

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Monsoon brings with a lot of dirt at home. Starting from drenched umbrella, muddy shoes, raincoats, damp clothes, dirty water, and the list is endless. Cleaning this on a regular basis will make you feel monotonous. We thought it is best to invest in an umbrella stand and a hangar. Let your damp cloth items and accessories dry it on the stand in a corner. It will save you doing from the mundane mopping cycle. Also, it will make your home look clean and tidy the way you want it.

4 Add candlelight and other scents in a home

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The monsoon season leaves behind the smell of fungus and dampness inside the home. You can change the look of the home by adding pleasing scents and smells. For example, you can add diffusers or scented candles in the home. These candles come in various fragrances.  These candles will amp the atmosphere inside the room. Apart from candles, adding fresh flowers or burning incense sticks is also a good alternative and adds warmth. This will improve the look and feel of the home too.

5 Add a whiff of freshness inside the home

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Monsoon is the best season to add indoor or outdoor plants. These plants will elevate the look of the home and with this you can bid farewell to monotony.  They will improve the level of oxygen inside the home. You can either place in the living room, bedroom or even bathroom. In our earlier post, we have mentioned the plants that can easily grow in the bathroom. Plant them in ceramic pots or create DIY pots to give a timeless look to home interiors.

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Show up your green thumb! Place them everywhere in the home where you experience the musty overpowering smell of monsoon.

6 Add Wind-chimes in the home

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Adding home décor accessories like wind-chimes will make the environment pleasant. You can hang them on the window sill or at entrance of the home or near to the balcony roof. Bamboo wind chimes are perfect for the balcony, while aluminum and metal chimes are the best window treatment. You can either hang it on open verandah or in the front and rear. You can also create your own fun DIY wind-chime project with kids. This will make the process merrier.

7 Refresh the curtains of the home

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The changing season calls for refreshed furnishing and décor of the home. Remove the curtains that filtered the sunlight from the home, replace it with sheer curtains. Velvet, jacquards, and cotton curtain soak up moisture and create a heavy atmosphere and bring back the musty smell, but sheer curtains let sunlight enter and keep the home upbeat and airy. The light windows coupled with French windows, give an eclectic vibe to the bedroom.

8 Replace your heavy furniture

Coffee Table with Storage


When pressed against the walls or against the corner, the leather and upholstered furniture absorbs the moisture, especially during the monsoon season. This could lead to bacteria or fungus or other creepy elements on the walls and on furniture. Therefore, it is suggested to place the furniture near the windows or doors, and ensure a distance from the wall.

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9 Light up the dark corners of the room

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The trend of ceiling lights has faded way. The best bet to light up room’s dark corners during the monsoon season is to add floor lamps. These lamps add peripheral illumination and brighten the look of the entire room.

Do you have any fresh ideas to change the look of the home during the monsoon season? Let us know.