We spend at least one third of our time in the bedroom. Here are some tips on how to make the bedroom stress free.
Clear the room from muddle– The clean bedroom acts as a stressburster for the mind. It is necessary to put away the clothes from a bedroom chair and buy a bookshelf to stack the books.
Add fresh flowers– It is necessary to add fresh flowers in the bedroom, at least once in a week. It will make you relaxed and stress free.
Scent the room– There are many relaxing scents that can make you stress free. There are multifarious ways to add scents in the room one among them is to buy a bulb ring or adding oils to the lamp, another best way to reduce stress is to use potpourri collection of herbs or one can use the air freshener. There are enough of relaxing scents like lemon, valerian, ylang ylang , orange and sandalwood.
Add shades of Blue– Scientists claim that the blue color has a soothing and it rejuvenate mind and spirit of an individual. Additionally, lowers down blood pressure and heart rate. Even one can opt for blue pillows, rugs and blankets.
Feng Shui Tips- With Feng Shui one can add harmony in one’s life. With proper positioning of beds, rooms, furniture, desks and computers, one can balance the forces. It is the best way to go stress free.