elegant bathroom decorating idea

Do you need to revamp your bathroom or want to give a facelift? Or do you need a bathroom that caters to your family needs and requirements? Well, today the markets are filled with the same. What makes family bathroom to work well? Well, the answer is space to accommodate things, storage options, wet room sufficient enough to clean the surface. Doesn’t it look nice? But it should also look warm and welcoming place to your kids too. Here’s how you can do the same. The ultimate aim is to make bathroom functional and give it gorgeous looks.



How to utilize space optimally


The main aim is optimize the space properly. Storage doesn’t draw attention. Hence, in bathroom you can accommodate large cupboard, two counter top and curvaceous sinks. The cupboard doors should be painted in a way that it blends well with tile and overall ambiance of the bathroom. The back to the wall loo along with a false shelf. This is the main trick to optimize the storage space. Also, it adds to a glam quotient.

How to make the bathroom look better?


Well, here are some tips on how to make a bathroom elegant and nice.
Add two basins that are practical and functional. Plus it is quiet trendy too. You can add the same in your wish list too for prospective buyers.
When it comes to the bathroom, a big bathroom is always a plus point, so that you can fit the one in. By placing the taps on the walls at the center rather than using at one end, so it will give bathroom an elusive look that makes the space look bigger and better. It is better to go for a sophisticated finish like slate effect, instead of opting for child pleasing.
Indulge in enormous mirror and bathroom to make it look as bright as possible.

Also Read ->  How to Make Guest Ready Bathroom

Here we have detailed on how to revamp the bathroom

Mold, crumbling plaster, ancient window frames are matter of past. Now, its the right time to make over the bathroom with a fabulous finish. It is perfect for a generous sized bathroom and it is ideal for family.
Give your bathroom hotel like feel

In order to give the room a real glamor, don’t use chimney rather use vanity units that have a lot of storage space beneath the window and halfway up the alcove wall, and a bathroom Tv that is set into mosaic tiles.

Use Good Lighting

Invest in good bathroom lighting and it is important to plan. The long mirror above the vanity units when lit with lights, will create a beautiful spot.
Plan for Bathroom Lighting
We consume lot of time in the bathroom, hence it is crucial to assess the lighting arrangements when planning for a new scheme. It is something that one cannot overlook, but it is as important in the kitchen. You can incorporate bare blubs in a pleated shades. There are enough of options available in the market.


Consider how much light your bathroom needs
Do it need to have a large window for natural light?
What lightning options presently exist?
Does it cast shadows and is there enough task lightning arrangements?