
Investing in a new bath will not only give your bathroom a new look, but it will transform the daily ritual of bathing into a luxury retreat that not only soothes your mind but also unwind the whole day into a relaxing day.


What shape to select from


The bath is the major focal point of the bathroom, and you need to consider the kind of style, shape, and material that you need. Generally, the size and shape of the bathroom dictates what kind of bath that you need to buy. If you are lucky to have a large space to place a bath, you can select from a wide range of options like you can select luxury freestanding baths and circular tubs, depending upon your need and preferences.


Bath Shape


The next crucial thing that you need to consider is bath shape. Today, the market is filled with innumerable kinds of baths.The market is today categorized into classic rectangular baths with traditional bath panels and freestanding tubs or rounded shapes.


A traditional rectangular bath is perfect for showering because it has a flat rim for shower screens. Double ended tubs with taps are best for family bathing while for a smaller bathroom go for a shower bath with rounded end that allows you have the best of both the world. Deeper tub is relaxing and rejuvenating.  The standard depth of a bath that we today see in the market is around 420 mm. 500mm or 450 mm. Baths that come along with tapered end is the best choice to make.

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Bath Size


Most of the British bathroom tends to be small and classic. Hence, an ideal size would be 1700mmx700mmand 1700x 750 mm. Go for the baths that have dimensions 1400mmx1400mm options. If you have a large bathroom go for bigger bathrooms.

 Bath Materials


Today, baths come in different kinds of materials commencing from classic cast iron, acrylic and steel. You can also opt for wood, marble, composite stone and granite. Here we have mentioned the kind of bath materials that you can select from.

Acrylic Baths

Whirlpool-Style Acrylic Bathtub

The main benefit of resorting to acrylic baths is it retains heat and is light in weight. Moreover, it is the cheapest option. But the only flaw is it can get discolored easily, so be careful while cleaning the products and always try the first patch. Go for quality products. Lucite, acrylic is made from two layer that is reinforced with fiberglass layer. IT is done in order to ensure sturdy construction and provides good insulation.

Steel Baths


Steel is the durable material and it comes with a long lasting guarantee. These baths have several notable features like they are guaranteed to last long, durable, corrosion and abrasion resistant, hygienic and easy to care off.

Cast Iron Baths


Cast Iron baths tend to be heavy, yet they are elegant, long lasting and sturdy in construction. Majority of freestanding cast iron baths are best for painting. So, you can paint according to your needs and preferences. You can paint it of color of your own choice to match with the rest of the scheme. There are some bath models that are made from two layers of stain resistant enamel and is undersealed for additional protection.

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Copper Baths


These baths are perfect for period room, and they have several benefits. Cooper heats up on an instant basis and retains the warmth of the water as is longer than a traditional tub. Some of the copper models are also light in weight, so you don’t need to worry about floor strength. If you are planning for cast iron, marble or granite, bear in mind that the floor should be able to cope up with an extra weight.

Stone Resin Baths


If you are seeking for a gigantic pebble that has been hollowed out, then this bath tub is perfect for you. It is made from stone resin, it generally comes in natural blanco color or in natural cream finishes. Further, you can team up with a matching basin also.

Bath Trends


Free standing baths-Free standing baths is in trend and it comes with flawless wood or customized finish. Some of the freestanding baths come equipped with a ball and claw feet for a conventional look, while others come in contemporary finish. You can have a free-standing bath along with snug to the floor.


The idea is to go for a luxurious centerpiece bath that grabs the eyeball of every individual. It will definitely make a real style statement. Style is definitely the key to success. Rather than using a lot of gadgets and add- ons, try to opt for geometric patterns. Go for resin or stone composites like Corian. It is simple, small and light in weight. Today, the market is filled with stylish freestanding acrylic designs that you can select from.

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Optimally utilize the space- The idea is to make the most of the space before selecting a bath. Freestanding baths require large bathroom along with abundant space to walk around the bath, so if you are planning for shoehorning into a compact space- don’t go for it. Freestanding tubs have a strong pipework on show, so be aware that you don’t need to fit pipes under the floor.


Select baths for small bathroom- Small bathrooms can be further improvised with shorter length baths or baths that can be easily tapered at one end. One can also incorporate integral storage under or at the end in the bath. It is the best option for storage, but remember to allow access to taps and baths.


Selecting right taps- When selecting taps, ask for supplier for recommendation as you have eye on a tap that won’t fit your bathroom. So, it is crucial to select two items together. A wall-mounted tap solves most of the problems, while a floor-mounted design that is perfect for free-standing tubs.


Accessories- Baths come in a huge range, so consider including bathroom accessories like hydro-massage jets, rotating back jets, colored lighting that soothes or stimulates the body. You can even add radio, MP3 port, sanitizing systems. You can opt for padded headrests, integrated seats, wood surrounds or panels with colored stripes.
