Well, there is no denying fact that technology has undergone a paradigm change. It affects everything from our routine life to our behavior patterns. Modern times have altogether changed the bio-technology and plant biology too and it has improved the understanding of the concept as well. That’s why we have come across the something named as the Plant Gel. Soil is not compulsory for indoor plants now because the nutrients are offered by plant gels which is also a substitute to soil.

What actually is plant gel?

Plant Gel is a type of cross polymer that absorbs water and nutrients needed for a plant growth. It contains lot of plant nutrients like minerals and is most importantly biodegradable. It can be even mixed with soil or it can be used in isolation as an alternative for soil. This is eco-friendly option of soil and is convenient to obtain too. Moreover, it doesn’t require water every now and then and it helps to retain the nutrients. It is important to check and maintain these plants on regular basis or perhaps once in a week in summer condition as the water evaporates fast. It is of great help to household interiors where water conservation is difficult. Many people are in fence of, indoor plants because of the amount of water that they consume. But plant gel is a great substitute.

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Why should you select plant gel?

One of the main benefits of plant gel is-it is low in maintenance in present world. We all require things that can take care of it themselves. Plants in general lot of care and maintenance, and if not taken care of, they die of easily. With plant gel, you can be assured of water and nutrients. It is a cost effective and is a great alternative to soil especially for small plants. The gel comes in wide shades and therefore it is visually appealing too. Not only it reduces your carbon footprints but also adds life to the indoor plants and also improves the quality of air.