pixel hand hanger 2 colorfully

The pointillism painters were fascinated by them in the late 1800′s. Modern society measures picture quality with them. And these days, they have become a source of inspiration in decor. Pixels are now common in the design world featured as graphic prints on everything from pillows to bed-sheets to meticulously-constructed lamps and clocks. This fascination may in part be sparked by an increasingly digital world, and in part by our initial fascination with dots, evident during the pointillism period in art – how a large group of many tiny dots, varying in color, can compose a larger image. But in most of these designs, we are intrigued by the idea of pixels close-up that make up an object, such as a table or lamp. Regardless, they make for funky and modern touches in your living room or bedroom and are probably a good conversation starter.

If you are an art admirer and know your Van Goghs and Vermeers, you would appreciate these modular patterns from ixxi.


pixel lamps colorful 2 colorfully pixel turquoise coaster 3 colorfully pixe bookshelves 2 colorfully pixel post it notes 2 colorfully pixel wall art colorfully pixel pillows 2 colorfully pixel rug 2 colorfully pixel bed sheets 2 colorfully pixel couch 2 colorfully pixel couch purple green 2 colorfully pixel arm chair 2 colorfully pixel bean bag 2 colorfully pixel mod black and white seat 2 colorfully pixel hand hanger 2 colorfully pixel tables 2 colorfully pixel lamp 2 colorfully pixel hanging lamp blue and green 2 colorfully pixel post its 2 colorfully